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Master Bedroom Makeover Board and Batten

 I highly recommend a few items although you don't HAVE to have them it just makes this project go so much faster.  I bought a pancake compressor with three nail guns included saved me on this project and a miter saw.  I bought both from Home Depot and they didn't pay me to say that it is just where I happen to shop.  I actually had this all measured out and went to Home Depot and they cut the mdf primed boards for me.  However I later purchased the miter saw and was then able to cut things right here at my house.  The nail gun I used is a 16 gauge gun that can shoot nails up to 3 inches.  I used a 2.5 inch nail to cover the thickness of the board and wall. Ok so I recommend deciding how you want your boards spaced first and measure and mark on the wall where you want them.  I tried to do every 16 inches because that is how far apart my studs were but then I realized my wall wasn't an even length and so I have some that look a li...
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Fun Christmas Crafts for Kids

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How to Boost Your self confidence

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Easter 2013....#WordlessWednesday

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Wordless Wednesday....High Style

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Firmoo Glasses Review

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